3. 参考书目

3.1. [ThinkCpp]

How To Think Like A Computer Scientist: Learning with C++. Allen B. Downey.

3.2. [GroudUp]

Programming from the Ground Up: An Introduction to Programming using Linux Assembly Language. Jonathan Bartlett.

3.3. [K&R]

The C Programming Language. Brian W. Kernighan和Dennis M. Ritchie. 2.

3.4. [Standard C]

Standard C: A Reference. P. J. Plauger和Jim Brodie.

3.5. [Standard C Library]

The Standard C Library. P. J. Plauger.

3.6. [C99 Rationale]

Rationale for International Standard - Programming Languages - C. 5.10.

3.7. [UNIX编程艺术]

The Art of UNIX Programming. Eric Raymond.

3.8. [C99]

ISO/IEC 9899: Programming Languages - C. 2.

3.9. [数字逻辑基础]

Fundamentals of Digital Logic with VHDL Design. Stephen Brown和Zvonko Vranesic. 2.

3.10. [IATLC]

Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation. John E. Hopcroft、 Rajeev Motwani和Jeffrey D. Ullman. 2.

3.11. [Dragon Book]

Compilers: Principles, Techniques, & Tools. Alfred V. Aho、Monica S. Lam、Ravi Sethi和Jeffrey D. Ullman. 2.

3.12. [SICP]

Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs. Harold Abelson、Gerald Jay Sussman和Julie Sussman. 2.

3.13. [人月神话]

The Mythical Man-Month: Essays on Software Engineering. Frederick P. Brooks, Jr.. Anniversary Edition.

3.14. [CodingStyle]


3.15. [GDB]

Debugging with GDB: The GNU Source-Level Debugger. 9. Richard Stallman、 Roland Pesch和Stan Shebs.

3.16. [算法导论]

Introduction to Algorithms. 2. Thomas H. Cormen、Charles E. Leiserson、Ronald L. Rivest和Clifford Stein.

3.17. [TAOCP]

The Art of Computer Programming. Donald E. Knuth.

3.18. [编程珠玑]

Programming Pearls. 2. Jon Bentley.

3.19. [OOSC]

Object-Oriented Software Construction. Bertrand Meyer.

3.20. [算法+数据结构=程序]

Algorithms + Data Structures = Programs. Niklaus Wirth.

3.21. [AssemblyHOWTO]

Linux Assembly HOWTO(http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Assembly-HOWTO/)很不幸,目前tldp.org被我们伟大的防火墙屏蔽了,请自己找代理访问. Konstantin Boldyshev和Francois-Rene Rideau.

3.22. [x86Assembly]

Introduction to 80x86 Assembly Language and Computer Architecture. Richard C. Detmer.

3.23. [GNUmake]

  1. Managing Projects with GNU make. Robert Mecklenburg.

3.24. [SmashStack]

Smashing The Stack For Fun And Profit,网上到处都可以搜到这篇文章. Aleph One.

3.25. [BeganFORTRAN]

The New C: It All Began with FORTRAN(http://www.ddj.com/cpp/184401313). Randy Meyers.

3.26. [具体数学]

Concrete Mathematics. 2. Ronald L. Graham、Donald E. Knuth和Oren Patashnik.

3.27. [APUE2e]

Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment. 2. W. Richard Stevens和 Stephen A. Rago.

3.28. [ULK]

Understanding the Linux Kernel. 3. Daniel P. Bovet和 Marco Cesati.

3.29. [TCPIP]

TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 1: The Protocols. W. Richard Stevens.

3.30. [UNPv13e]

UNIX Network Programming, Volume 1: The Sockets Networking API. 3. W. Richard Stevens、 Bill Fenner和Andrew M. Rudoff.

3.31. [Unicode FAQ]

UTF-8 and Unicode FAQ, http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/unicode.html. Markus Kuhn.